The Edens family has been in the cattle business since Lee’s great grandfather began in 1886. Located in Northeast Mississippi, Okolona is home to one of the oldest family-operated cattle businesses in the state. For almost 130 years Lee’s family has been working with feedlot owners and operators offering the highest quality cattle in the Southeast. On just under 1000 acres and two locations in the lush pastures of Monroe County, Lee Edens Cattle offers stocker feeder and brood cattle for sale year-round.
Lee Edens Cattle facilities include a preconditioning yard for customer cattle that currently operates at around 1000 head capacity. Feedlot pens are open pasture with plentiful shade, fresh water, grass and free choice hay at all times. Cattle are processed at the ranch and their length of stay is always determined by the customer’s needs.
Thank you for visiting our site, we appreciate your interest in our company and look forward to hearing from you. Pictures of the farm are updated regularly and phone numbers can be found on the contact page so please look around and let us know how we can help your business!